“The meaning of happiness is in being happy, there is
nothing beyond that. (…)
You can challenge the meaning
of happiness only from the vantage point
of unhappiness.”
“Every time we feel friendship, affection or love, we are tasting the being that we share behind this apparent fragmentation. In other words, love is the felt recognition that, at the deepest level, there is one infinite, indivisible being – and we are that.”

Simply Happy invites you to a dance back-and-forth through the I AM door:
Inspired by the non-dual teaching and community, Simply Happy proposes a physical space for being together and sharing the love, peace, beauty, intelligence and joy inherent in our true nature.
Each time we are called back to and by the Beloved, we are softly swung through that door to our true nature. Each time the burning desire for experience calls again for creation, we express love and joy back through the same I AM door into the world of forms.
Let’s dance together… in and out of time, until the difference doesn’t make sense anymore.

“What is the fruit of this sharing of being? Peace and happiness on the inside, and love or friendship on the outside.”